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Products - RIV - Registered Investment Vehicle

The Registered Investment Vehicle (RIV) is an Israeli registered partnership. RIV welcomes both foreign and Israeli Limited Partners (LPs) as investors, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive investor pool.

RIV offers an attractive opportunity to invest in target companies located in Israel, as well as in European and US markets. This broadens the potential investment avenues for participants.

Deal-by-Deal Structure: RIV operates on a deal-by-deal basis, providing flexibility and adaptability in investment decisions.

Limited Liability for Limited Partners: RIV provides limited liability protection for limited partners, safeguarding their investments and mitigating risk exposure.

Streamlined and Digital LP On-boarding: RIV simplifies the process of onboarding Limited Partners (LPs) through streamlined and digital procedures. This efficient approach ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for investors.

Tax Transparency: RIV offers tax transparency. This provides clarity and visibility on tax implications for investors.